
This proposal aims to outline each major goalpost for the next major iteration of Skeleton (version 3.0; aka “Next”). This represents a collaborative effort between all maintainers and core contributors to Skeleton, with additional feedback from the community, per the dedicated RFC. This covers a variety of topics that will influence the future of the project.

Skeleton v3 (Next) - Proposal, RFC, and Updates · skeletonlabs skeleton · Discussion #2375

TL;DR? Check our video introduction on YouTube.

TL;DR? Check our video introduction on YouTube.

The Goal

It has been nearly two years since Skeleton was started. In that time the frontend UI space has grown by leaps and bounds, including major updates Svelte, SvelteKit, and Tailwind. Our goal is simply to answer one question:

<aside> 🏁 “If we were building Skeleton today, what would we do differently?”



The following section covers a number of high level features and proposed updates. Including the relevant GitHub issue tracker if you wish to add comments or feedback.

Modular Architecture

The most impactful change will likely include Skeleton’s new modular architecture. This will include CSS and design elements (Tailwind), multiple component packages (Svelte/React), with the ability to extend via third party plugins (Popups, Code Blocks, etc). We cover this in greater detail below.

NEXT: v3 branch and new monorepo packages · Issue #2352 · skeletonlabs/skeleton